28 de Febrero al 1 de Marzo 2018

Benjamin Playa del Carmen

Ticketopolis offers BenjaPlaya´s tickets of they´re events published here, Benja Playa it´s responsable for the content of this events.
Ticketopolis offers you the best places at the moment of buying your tickets to Benja Playa events, according to the offered price at the moment.
The number of tickets per person it´s unlimited. 
The organization, finishing the purchase or buying the tickets through the Ticketopolis system it has to proof the personal info of buyers and the info card that the client gives and the autorization of the clients bank of debit or credit card for their tickets. If the info of the buyer doesn´t match with the credit or debit card info or even if they match and the bank don´t authorized the payment , the purchase it won´t be valid.
Without prejudment the client accept the purchase through Ticketopolis system and once the purchase it´s authorized by their bank it will be definate and the will be no changes, cancelations or refunds.
IMPORTANT: In each event they will be notified the time limits to get your fisical tickets, this would be between 48 hrs or an hour.  The not picked up tickets in the stablished times will be cancelled. Please check the time limits to get your tickets for no misunderstandings and get to enjoy the events.